
If you live in the Greentree neighborhood here in Madison, Wisconsin, you know what a great place this is!

The Greentree Neighborhood Association (GTNA) provides a collective voice when expressing concerns to the City and works to build community through fun neighborhood events.

>> Become a Member >>

It was a Fabulous 4th of July in Greentree

Thank you to organizing board members and neighborhood volunteers for making the annual July 4th festivities happen—gallop, parade, and picnic! Unintimidated by cloudy skies and occasional spritzes of rain, over 250 people attended this signature event—and nearly sold out of the 2024 Greentree Gallop tshirts! Read all about it here.

Upcoming Events

Halloween Bonfire

New Location! Sunridge Park — Oct. 31, 2024 7–9pm
Join us for hot cocoa and camaraderie after Trick or Treating. This excellent holiday tradition will continue— at a new location: Sunridge Park between Piping Rock and Hempstead Roads. Tell everyone you know about the new location, so they do not wonder why they are shivering and alone at the old locale. ;)

Anana Elementary School Need Volunteers

Anana Elementary School Garden (6323 Woodington Way, Madison), needs volunteers to help maintain their school garden over the summer.  The Greentree Garden Club helped this garden develop during the last ten years through their time and generous donations. The garden is a vibrant space for learning.  Children love to work in the garden during the school year.

Over the summer, the school will need help with weeding and watering the garden and may also need help planting additional native plants later in the summer, if available from the Dane County program (that program previously donated pollinator plants). You can sign up to work during a specific week(s) of the summer or you may choose an area of the garden that interests you to maintain throughout the summer.

The elementary would love to show you around the garden! It is inspiring.

Please contact Anna Biermeier, abiermeier@wisc.edu, for more information.

Become a Member

Have you joined the GTNA?

For those of you who have not signed up to be a member of the Greentree Neighborhood Association (GTNA), please consider joining.

A mere $15 gets you the following. A true bargain!

  • a 2-year membership through June 2025
  • every copy of the Stump Neighborhood newsletter
  • a neighborhood directory
  • helps fund events like the Halloween Bonfire, Holiday Lighting contest, and the 4th of July events.

We now accept Zelle payments! Download the GTNA Membership Form 2023-25and follow membership instructions.

Next GTNA Board Meeting

Monday September 9, 2024 at 6:30pm via Zoom.

Email gtnapres@gtna.org for information on attending

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Greentree Neighborhood Association