Anana Elementary School Drive

Supporting our neighborhood elementary!

Greentree’s neighborhood school is Anana Elementary, renamed in 2021 after Milele Chikasa Anana, a Madison community leader and publisher (learn more about her here and here!).

Anana Elementary is also the voting poll location for most Greentree residents!

As a community partner, GTNA has raised awareness and spread the word on different past school initiatives, including: gift cards for holiday meals, winter clothing drives, emergency housing and utility assistance, and an annual drive for the school’s food pantry. Many of these programs shifted during the pandemic, but there are still many ways you can be involved with the school.

“How can I help?”

It’s a question that often gets asked at the annual GTNA neighborhood meeting— people want to know how they can best support their local elementary school!

Support the PTO

As the needs of the school and its students evolve, one of the most direct and effective ways Greentree neighbors can do that is by donating to the Anana Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), which works to meet the varied needs of students and teachers in real time. Donating to the PTO provides flexible and immediate support to the school!

You can donate by visiting them online (via PayPal) or by writing a check made out to "Anana PTO" and delivering/mailing to the school at 6323 Woodington Way, Madison, WI 53711 (note that checks sent during summer months may not be processed until school resumes in the fall).

Volunteer at the Garden

Anana is also looking for help this summer (2024) with maintaining their school garden. During the summer months, they often need help with weeding and watering and may also need help planting additional native plants, if available. 

You can sign up to work during a specific week(s) of the summer or you may choose an area of the garden that interests you to maintain throughout the summer. Contact Anna Biermeier,, for more information.


Businesses can also support the elementary through Madison Public Schools Foundation’s Adopt-a-School Program at Anana.

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Greentree Neighborhood Association