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Greentree Neighborhood Association

Adopt-a-Tree Program

Sponsored by the GTNA in Cooperation with the Madison Parks Foundation

Since 2016, six ash trees—three in Norman Clayton Park and three in Sunridge Park—have been treated every three years to prevent infestation by the Emerald Ash Borer. The trees are prominent fixtures in both parks, providing ample shade for the main park area and pavilion at Norman Clayton Park and shade for the playground area in Sunridge Park. Without the treatment every three years, these magnificent shade trees will die within 4-6 years. They cannot be replaced quickly.

During the summer of 2022, GTNA worked with Madison City Parks Department, Madison Parks Foundation, and Capital City Tree Experts (now SavATree) to promote and raise funds, and assess and treat the six ash trees in our parks.

Our generous Greentree neighbors donated over $1,550 dollars to treat the trees. Another generous neighbor continued to pay for the treatment of the ash tree in Greentree – Chapel Hills Park near the pond along the bike/walking path.

GTNA says “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you” for the generous support to keep our parks shaded and green.

The ash trees will be assessed again in 2025 and if they are doing well, can be treated again. The generosity in 2022 gives us some money to carry forward for the future.

Tax-deductible donations to save our Greentree Park Ash trees can be made at any time. For questions, contact Helen Sheahan at


Donations can be made online or by check/mail. 

  • By mail:
    Make check out to “Madison Parks Foundation” for a total amount and include a separate note specifying which park or parks you’d like to support, including the amount(s) to each (that adds up to the total of your check). Mail to:

    Madison Parks Foundation
    PO Box 259336
    Madison, WI 53725
  • Online:
    Go to

    There are two accounts at the Madison Parks Foundation with funds earmarked for treating the Ash trees. One is for Norman Clayton Park and the other is for Sunridge Park. Be sure to specify to which park your donation should be directed to.


Please note that a 5% administrative fee is charged for a donation and an additional 3% processing fee is charged for a credit-card donation (this is what the credit card company charges the Foundation). The Madison Parks Foundation is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization and your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.